Friday 2 November 2012

Why are men not discussed?


 If a man isn't shown to be completely masculine, we therefore think he must be feminine. Stereotyping has made us as an audience think that any feminine man must therefore be homosexual.

 Through Lady Gaga's video "Alejandro", the dancers have been made to be dressed feminine by wearing things such as fish net tights and suspenders with high heels. These three objects in particular are associated with female seductivity and are not worn on males. They are unexpected items of clothing to be worn by a man, leaving the audience feeling shocked by the costume, as well as seeing the men dance in a feminine way.

 Lady GaGa has purposefully reversed the stereotypical role of the masculinity of men, making them appear like women in posture, movement, and clothing. The shot shows that he is indefinately a male, however  from the waist down, all masculine associations disapeer as his legs are the central of the picture.

HOWEVER if a man is shown to be over feminine, this will counteract the femininity, making him appear very masculine. Many glamour rock bands do this in order to be seen as different, yet appear as a masculine male when on stage.

Phallic Symbols

 These are usually used by Madonna, or male boy singers/boy bands to suggest power through penis size. They could be anything within a video, microphone stands, large buildings and other large long objects. 
 We don't mention masculinity in music videos due to the worrying idea of accusing them of homosexuality. 



 Out of the three videos, the most masculine I would say to be Robbie Williams’ “Rock DJ”.  I have chosen this one due to the idea of the women circling him, showing him they want his body. The fact of him peeling his skin off and throwing it to the group of women could represent the fact they want “meat.” It could also mean that they want him badly to be their own, reflecting his power over women. Although no phallic symbols were used, the audience’s imagination suggests his penis is out but blacked out whilst the girls “admire” it. 

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