Wednesday 28 November 2012

Existing Indie Pop Video's

 The Script- Hall of Fame

Released in 2012.

 This is a mid shot/two shot of characters of equal importance. The script, like our selected band are known for being an indie band. The location which they have chosen to film in looks like an abandonned warehouse, this has a clear similarity to our third pitch idea by keeping the location simple but urban. Danny (lead singer from The Script) is wearing black skinny jeans and a casual lightly checked shirt. This is what we should base our costume on as simple is often very effective. Although The Script have chosen to wear monochrome tone clothing, we have decided to wear coloured clothing. We will do this to make the band stand out against the dull coloured brick wall which will be our background. 

 This shot in the song, is an extreme long shot. This most effective thing in this picture is the lighting. In order to make out music promo look effective, we need to think about lighting clearly to make the best out of our shots. Lighting will allow us to set a mood, intense lighting will give a sterile, uncomfortable feeling to the video and dull lighting will give an eerie feel making the song appear dark. The mood which we create throughout the song will be vital to the way the audience inerpret the lyrics from our visuals. This shot also shows the use of German Expressionism. The monochrome shot, with the red petals shown makes the colour stand out against the dull background. This colouring effect makes the audience notice the flowers, which may symbolise the love and appreciation the girl has for dance. In our video, we will try to use monochrome background's and put a key element of a shot into colour, making it stand out more and become much clearer that it is important to the audience.

 Like The Script, before appearing on camera it is important to make the nessecary preperations. Whilst being filmed, it is known that a person's complexion will turn very white. Appropriate make-up should be worn in order to improve the finishing image. In our narrative, we are thinking of showing the lead singer as someone who isn't there anymore, a ghost of the girl's memories. In order to show this ghostly figure we are thinking of also putting black make-up around Kingston's (lead singer) eyes. This will indicate to the audience that he is not a normal being during the narrative performance.

  This is how we want our lead singer to look during the filming of our narrative. It gives the impression of him being a figue which is seen as haunting. This works with the idea of the character haunting the female. The audience may interpret this haunting as a metaphor, the memories of the pair haunting her mind, or his physical self coming back to haunt her. We wanted to keep these two idea's open without a conclusion, to allow the audience to make up their own minds up about what it could mean, in order to gain an emotional connection to the characters and video.

 Scouting For Girls

 She's So Lovely

 Arctic Monkeys

 Brian Storm

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