Sunday 4 November 2012

Our Chosen Band

 NAME: 4Kicks

5 piece boy band (typical indie convention)

 We have tried to make contact with the band in order to get further information about them and the original lyrics to our chosen song "I Never Get Lost Except By Your Side" however haven't yet heard anything back from them.

 In order to remain on task and have everything planned by shooting day, we need to listen to the song ourselves and write out the lyrics, highlighting the key parts in order to try and form a narrative.

 When reviewing these lyrics, the male vocalist is singing about a female who has obviously caused him a lot of emotional harm. He doesn't sound as though he thinks highly of her as the words chosen to describe her are very negative, such as "lying eyes". This tells us that he has not forgiven what she did to him and holds a grudge. When we first saw this we automatically thought that they were a couple, however she was unfaithful to him. This typical boy/girl love story is a direct convention of our indie pop genre.

 The line "Oh think you're better than me" shows that the girl may be out of the singers league, with high opinions of herself. He obviously loved the girl however now he is full of hatrid and anger towards her making their relationship negative, if at all existent.

"can't you see you've been holding me back for too long now" this line suggests that the boy has fixated an obsession with her. She stops him from doing normal things and she is all he can think about. We want to show a broken down relationship and get the raw anger and hate within the song to be shown as clearly visually within our promo. Indie pop is known for it's literal feelings within videos and so we want our audience to feel the same anger towards the girl as the singer does.

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