Sunday 4 November 2012

20th Century Art Movements

 Nowadays, many people think art is unappreciated, however artists are now starting to use art to inspire their videos. Occuring in the early 20th century, artists wanted to show their own emotional experiences through their art work.



 German expressionism- Monochrome with a strong red colour coming in at different moments. 
The idea of expressionism is to show an emotion from only ONE perspective. Artists wanted to get their audience to experience an emotional connection to the piece. It's mostly associated with Germany due to i's popular use in the Weimar Republic.


  My Chemical Romance have adopted the style of expressionism and formed it as their brand recognition. The whole video of "Welcome to The Black Parade" is in monochrome with occasional objects in bright red. This colour is stereotyped with negativity such as danger and blood. This dark background of expressionism reflects extremeists such as the Nazi party.


Capturing “the other” mirrors, doorways, windows, tunnels etc. This focuses on the idea of something being in the way of  a being. Mirrors especially are seen as a vortex into a person soul. Many people fear that when looking into a mirror, instead of seeing their own reflection back they see a bad side to themselves or something they are unfamiliar with.




Surrealism- the swap. This began in the early 1920's.Surrealism is an unexpected switch usually seen on visual art work. It is meant to shock it's audience in a clever way. It originatedduring world war 1 and has affected literature, philosophy and social theory. This picture shows surrealism, due to the fish, which are meant to be in the bowl, being out in the open, and the sky, being put into the bowl. They have swapped purposes in this picture making it surreal.


 This was introduced in the mid 1950's in Britain. Pop art can do a range of things, it can show one specific part of a picture, making a familiar brand or object appear unfamiliar from a particular angle, it can also be combined with many unrelated objects in order to make it's audience think and try to form a connection. It is seen as an abtract form of art, and often difficult to understand. It includes modern arts such as comics, advertisements, movies etc. It was founded by the "Independant Group" where they wanted to make fine art, more modern.

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