Sunday 4 November 2012

Video and band types

  • Narrative is almost always subordinate to peformance.
  • The songs chosen rarely focus upon and tell complete narratives (however videos may, but actual song lyrics do not)
  • Music videos tend to move away from classic/realistic narratives.
  • The audience consume and read music videos in a more laid back approach.
  • Music videos need to have installed in them repeatability of certain aspects.

There are two types of bands

Organic/Authentic. This is when the band are unconstructed, they write, play and record all of their own music

Manufactured/Synthetic. This is when the band are represented by another company and only perform the song. Someone else will have wrote it, a company will record/edit their vocals and they are told to look/dress a certain way, they are a constructed band.


1) Performance
 This is when the band is performing within the video. This is a way to promote the band, giving the audience a taste of what it would be like to see the band live. Band members should be very passionate within the song during this filming as it is to potentially maximise ticket sales and increase profits. A convincing performance will make audiences pay lots of money to see them live.

2) Narrative
 This is the storyline within the video. It usually relates to the lyrics in some way. The meaning of the narrative is often very literal i.e. if a song describes a break up, the couple will be shown breaking up. Other aspects of narrative are not so literal, they can mean what ever the audience interprets them to be. This gives a wide range of options to bands using narrative in a music promo, however it is vital the audience gain that emotional connection with them in order to watch the promo to the end. There should be pace change throughout the narrative in order to keep the audience entertained.

3) Amplification
This is when a promo can be interpreted in a large range of ways. Natural or artificial devices may be used to send a signal to the audience. This allows the audience to dig deeper into the song and find a meaning that they wouldn't of thought of without reviewing different aspects of the promo. A regular user of amplification is Coldplay, they graps their audiences by trying the un-ordinary

4) Disjuncture
 This is when the promo has  nothing to do with the lyrics. Many people get confused by the aspect of an unrelated promo and so try to create some kind of meaning in order to explain it. However, artists often use it for that very purpose. They want to be different and have features which could potentially be ground breaking, making their audiences discuss the video, advertising them through word of mouth. The type of bands to do this, are those who aren't able to be catergorized into one single label.

5) Illustration
 Usually used by self-made bands as it is the cheapest type of promo to successfully pull off. Low funding is needed as it is a very literal interpretation of the lyrics. Due to it being so literal, audiences often lose interest in these promos as nothing out of the ordinary happens and no challenges of deconstruction are given.

6) Intertexuality
 This is when two different texts come together in some way. They may have manipulated one text to mean something else, or one text may completely copy the other. Intertexuality is used in three different ways. Homeage- the highest form of flattery from where one copies another. Pastiche- where one makes a comment upon another through their own, and parody, this is where a new piece is taking the mic out of another.

7) Exhibitionism
This is when independant female representatives of the older generation created controversy, due to different debates i.e. gender, social and political.
 These artists were seen as sexually provocative and used their assests to produce an enrapturing promo.

1 comment:

  1. I know that you have been working hard on planning for your promo shoot but please make sure that all aspects of planning are put up on blogger.You should have so far:
    - conventions of a promo
    - conventions of ancillary tasks
    - research and selection of track
    - analyses of 3 promos
    - analyses of two cd covers and two adverts
    - deconstruct the music
    - research and summarise promotional strategies
    - audience research
    - storyboards/mood boards
    - theory
    - institutions
    - shooting plans - locations, scripts, props, lighting etc
