Friday 7 December 2012


 On the days of filming, a range of props will need to be used in order to make our music promo look as realistic and professional as possible.




 In order to ensure that our music promo looks believable, we need the right equipment to be on set as it needs to fit in with the soudn track of our song.

  Instead of having any old guitar to appear in our band, we needed to ensure that the style suited the indie pop genre we have chosen to show. For example, a heavy metal guitar such as this would be a big NO in our music video, as the aesthetics would be all wrong and our band would look wrong and like we don't know our genre at all. In order to make it look realistic and believable, a guitar such as this will need to be used:


In order to make the singer look realistic we need to use a real microphone. The stand will need to be adjusted to the right height to fit Kingston to ensure that it looks effective and realistic.


 Picture of the couple
 If the audience haven't by this point recognised that the girl and boy used to be a couple, by seeing a photo of the pair together and the girl reminicing the memories of them both, they will soon see the narrative which we are trying to put across too them.

 Bathroom mirror

 The bathroom mirror which we are using needs to have a lot of light around it. Luckily my mirror at home, in my bathroom does. Two bright lights are placed next to it, this will allow us to create that sterile look which bathroom's sometimes have, making the dark eye make-up of Kingston stand out, allowing the audience to recognise his character as unhumane.

  This will be used when the girl is looking into the mirror at herself. She will be putting on make-up as this is seen as an every day task, whilst doing this, the ghost like figure of Kingston will appear in the mirror, but he can NOT be seen from the back via the camera, merely his reflection has be seen. This gives the impression that he isn't really there and that he is only a figure of her imagination.

 We will use a male watch when filming our narrative performance. This is a prop which the female will look at whilst reflecting on memories of her past relationship. The watch symbolises the idea of time passing by throughout the video, and by reviewing an object of a male shows the audience how she is longing for the male to return.

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