Saturday 8 December 2012


 Pop promos are usually put on heir through UK music channels. Different channels usually pursure different bands/artists according to their genre of music.


 An American music and video channel. It is based in New York City and it targets young adults. This is the same market which our band aims to impress due to young adults being the main buyers of indie music. It has a national broadcast and was first aired in 1980. It originally was lead by a range of dj's who would select tracks to play to the public, MTV has nowadays brought into reality shows and other TV programmes which could be popular with young adults. 



 Flava is a music company who buys into hiphop/RnB artists. The music channel will be looked at regularly by people interested in this genre of music, to look up the newest songs and artists who are breaking into the industry. It is available on "sky" on the music channel selection. This institution wouldn't appeal to our band, due to them promoting a specific genre of music which is the opposite to the style we are trying to promote.


 This music channel has a very narrow market. They mainly play heavy metal and/or rock. Although it has been shown to be hugely successful with it's target market of rockers, it isn't versatile with it's audience. The channel doesn't have a structured day of records which it will play, it allows it's viewers to text in and request their own music to be shown on the channel. This allows it's audience to be part of the channel and see their requested song, allowing them to become part of the channel.


 This is a music entertainment channel based in the UK. The music channel plays a wide range of genre's, hitting a large market in which the channel can appeal too. 4Music is part of the Box Television group, and is one of few channels to be broadcasted on wide screen television.  Like MTV, the channel also broadcasts television programmes. This shows the channel deals with a range of different media, in order to gain their audience. 4 Music also broadcasts particular summer festivals, and has links with the host of 'T4 on the beach'. 

 4 music would be the best one for our band to use as it'n institution. They play many genre's of music, so indie pop would be able to be shown and appreciated and the large market which it shows off too will give our band a large amount of fans when their name begins to be recognised. If a festival could also be booked for our band, a large live audience would also give them the experience they need, playing to real people without editing from recording booths. This institution would be able to successfully launch our band into the success they need.

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