Friday 7 December 2012

Assigned Roles

 Day One

Me- On day one I will take charge and lead the group into arranging the band into a traditional 3 piece stance. I will also use one camera to film the long shots and mid shots of the band, to ensure we have a range of different shot types from a range of different levels. I will help to unload and set up all of the instroments, help clear anything which is in the way of the shot, and set the lighting up appropriately to get the best outcome through the camera.

Jess- She will be in charge of taking lots of stills throughout the day, in order for us to use to show what we did and how we did things, she is also needed to hold the lyrics in a discreet place so that Kingston will know the words to sing incase he gets stuck during any point.

Kingston- Will be featuring in the promo itself, acting as the lead singer. He will need to know the lyrics as well as possible in the short time before filming day, will need to act passionate about the song, dress to the dress code we decided upon and try to ignore the camera throughout the performance.

Henry- Will be in charge of camera two. This means close-ups, and extreme close-up's will be recorded on this camera by Henry. It is important that we do not get in each others way whilst filming like this, as neither of us can be seen on either camera at any given time as it would ruin the professional outlook of the video. Henry will also be the one who pushes the wheeled equiptment in the warehouse, whilst I am stood on a board, in order to film a steady pan.

 Day Two

Me- On day two I will be acting at the female character for our video. I will have little control in filming on this day as I will be appearing in most shots. It is important I try my hardest to give a convincing performance of a girl who was once in love, but now being haunted by the previous relationship. I will need to look distressed and convincingly hurt. I will also be the one doing Kingston's make-up on this day, to make his eyes look dark and scary.

Jess- Jess will be filming on this day using the HD camera which we have been leant. Multiple lenses come with this camera, so it is important that we all look at each different lense, before trying to film a scene. It is also very easy to get this camera out of focus, due to the large amount of dials which it has. A pratice run of each shot should be done before filming, so we are certain that it looks the way it should without characters going out of focus.

Kingston- On day two, Kingston will be acting again. Being the main character in our performance will stop him from being able to do a lot of filming. He can however help to set up equiptment and look at a shot set-up without appearing in it.

Henry- A long with Jess, will also be in charge of filming on day two. Henry knows the most about the new HD camera and so will need to teach us all how we use it to the best of our ability before we go ahead and film, as we are unsure of it, having never used one before.

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