Friday 7 December 2012

Ideas we have practiced before

 When discussing the type of effects which we are going to add to our music video, we looked back at our prelim. This was our first attempt at a music video and we managed to use some things well, and others not so well.

 On the programme final cut pro, you are able to add an effect to make a shot look like it is a home video.

 We discovered however, that it looked wrong when using it for a performance purpose. To get the best from this effect, we would have to use it for narrative. This can easily be built into our plan, as our narrative shows a couple in love juxtaposed by the couple not talking, and the lead singer haunting her through her memories. This home made video style will work well when showing the happy side of the relationship, due to couples filming each other to then watch back in years to come. It also makes a shot much more interesting than just having two people showing signs of love, as it gives the audience an experience through the eyes of the home video camera.

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