Tuesday 2 October 2012

Post Modernism

 What Is Post Modernism?

 Although this term is very hard to summarise due to complications within definition, we have come to know it as a mixture of the old and the new, with the original and unoriginal.
 In a scale of time, post modernism didn't exist untill the 1900's. This is where people started to see the modern turn into the post modern. It becomes the new by refering to the old.



 If looking at post modernism without the concept of music videos, it is easily understood.
 If we looked at the idea of vampires, the experimental stage would be trying out all manner of accents/looks and other components which could make a vampire up...
 The Cannon stage would be the developed Eatern European Villian, who sucks blood from pretty innocent virgin females.
 It then goes to the post modern stage, this would be things such as Twiilight. Instead of the stereotypical vampire, they are shown to be nice, vegitarian and twinkle like diamonds when in the sun.
 The Post Modern has changed an original vampire recognised as a villain, into a friendly hero, showing a dramatic change between the cannon and the post modern.

Music Videos- Are They Really A Film?



Dictionary Definition:
The interrelationship between two texts, usually used in literature; the way that similar or related texts influence, reflect, or differ from each other.

3 Main Types


Homage- high flattery


Pastiche- uses imagery to make a comment

Original film Top Gun aeroplan scene.
Will Young's retake of the film through his video.

Parody- mickey take

 This video is known for taking the mickey out of the film "Casper" by using dark villainous creatures. 

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