Monday 1 October 2012


Like A Prayer

Originally set in a church, the audience automatically assume the song to be about God/Jesus. However, the burning cross represents the lyrics to the song as being a “sin” rather than a biblical reference, highlighting the rude metaphor.

A lot of metal is put into the mise-en-scene, it gives the idea of Madonna being in jail. This could represent the crime which she earlier witnesses in the video, or be a reflection of the captivity she is in.
Lots of red lighting and backgrounds represent the colours of hell.
Red is also the colour of sex. Her costume gives the impression of lust and desire and makes us think of her as “easy.”
The top photos suggests a cold, lonely environment suggesting the emotion of fear.
The kiss of jesus, could also reflect the kiss of Judas.
 This means betrayal which could represent why
Jesus walks out of the church near the end of the Video.

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