Tuesday 5 February 2013



 Bauer Media

Bauer Media Group has a 50% stake in the British television company Box Television. Box Television acts as the content subsidiary that produces several popular music television channels. which include:

This is our selected music channel which we would use to promote our band as it allows our band to be globally available due to bauer media owning 50% of the channel.

Bauer Verlagsgruppe has offices located all over the world, and so the following countries would see our music promo:
  • Germany
  • USA
  • Spain
  • France
  • Austria
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Mexico
  • China
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • United Kingdom
  • Nigeria
  • Australia
By targetting a large range of Europe, our Indie Band are readily available on the music channels which millions of people use, and can also go to these countries when more successful to tour, increasing futuer sales and profit. It allows us to show the band to19 million UK adults alone, at one time, plus multiple other countries!

 Bauer Media also owns many magazine companies which we could use to promote our band.


“Q” is a popular magazine which is released monthly throughout the UK. The founders of the magazine were David Hepworth and Mark Ellen, at first they were dismayed, they thought that there was a large market who weren't targetted but regularly bought CD's. Q magazine sets itself apart from the other music magazies due to its montly production, and high standards or printing and photography. This shows the company to have high standards, everything they put into the magazine will be of good quality due to the large amount of money being spent on it. Spending large amounts of money on the publishing of a magazine, encourages buyers to spend their own money on it due to the attractive cover and clear images that will be shown inside the magazine. Q is published by the Bauer media group and would be the best form of exhibition for our band "4kicks". They pride themselves on advertising the newest up and coming bands, usually of the indie genre. Due to our band being an indie band, the target market are regular buyers which should increase music sales as everyone will have knowledge of the band branding and style of music they play. People end up relying on Q magazine to inform them of the latest popular bands, in order to students to stay current and up to date on their prefered genre.   


 This magazine is also available to be read and researched online. By it having it's own website, users are able to vote on polls on bands, and be part of other interactive things that the magazine can't offer. The magazine also uses a 5 star rating system. This rates bands adverts, singles and other aspects they may create in order to promote. We used this star rating when thinking about our magazine advert, as a rating usually appears. Customers see this and think that if a professional company rates the band highly, then they are likely to enjoy their music. This magazine influenced our magazine advert as we rated our band  with "****" this four star rating shows the band to be worth the customers time and money.




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